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Human Scale Software vs Open Source

Recently I've taken a liking to using the phrase "Human Scale Software" when describing code that I feel is easy to work with. I use this to describe software that I feel could fit comfortably within the brain of a single person, and not in the "memorize every detail" sense but more in the "understand the narrative deeply" sense. I find this is an important distinction from software that is just open source, because I often find myself interested in digging in to code only to find it completely inscrutable.

I consider the relation between the terms as a sort of sliding scale of enjoyability to hack on. Proprietary software by nature makes it quite difficult to work on, often requiring a specific skill set of reverse engineering, assembly, and an iron will to bend the software to your needs. With human scale software being the opposite, often quite pleasant and easy to make your own modifications to. This leaves open source software to cover the large and ambiguous middle gray area between the two. I think this is important to highlight because as a software engineer that entered the open source world with large ubiquitous projects already running the show, I felt like there was a disconnect between the "hacker mythos" as it was told compared to my actual experience with these projects.

One of the worst offenders of these open source but not human scale projects I think is the Linux kernel. There are some factors that are easier to pick on here, Linux is perhaps the most successful open source projects, has a huge community of people working on and using the system, and in general has grown quite complex over the years. However I think in general the corporatization of the project over time is what really makes the system feel like this indigestible behemoth. To illustrate my point, I want to show some excerpts from the Linux documentation that is checked in to the main git repo under the Documentation directory.


The importance of getting code into the mainline

Some companies and developers occasionally wonder why they should bother learning how to work with the kernel community and get their code into the mainline kernel (the "mainline" being the kernel maintained by Linus Torvalds and used as a base by Linux distributors). In the short term, contributing code can look like an avoidable expense; it seems easier to just keep the code separate and support users directly. The truth of the matter is that keeping code separate ("out of tree") is a false economy.


Questions about how to get started with the kernel development process are common - from both individuals and companies. Equally common are missteps which make the beginning of the relationship harder than it has to be.

Companies often look to hire well-known developers to get a development group started. This can, in fact, be an effective technique. But it also tends to be expensive and does not do much to grow the pool of experienced kernel developers. It is possible to bring in-house developers up to speed on Linux kernel development, given the investment of a bit of time. Taking this time can endow an employer with a group of developers who understand the kernel and the company both, and who can help to train others as well. Over the medium term, this is often the more profitable approach.

Individual developers are often, understandably, at a loss for a place to start. Beginning with a large project can be intimidating; one often wants to test the waters with something smaller first. This is the point where some developers jump into the creation of patches fixing spelling errors or minor coding style issues. Unfortunately, such patches create a level of noise which is distracting for the development community as a whole, so, increasingly, they are looked down upon. New developers wishing to introduce themselves to the community will not get the sort of reception they wish for by these means.

Now I will preface this with saying I did cherry pick these somewhat, these are sandwiched between some quite detail heavy instructions about how the community works. However, I can't be alone in thinking some of this reads more like an advertisement you'd see on some startup SaaS landing page than I would an open source project. They go insofar as to directly imply that having your company contribute to the kernel will result in better profits. The second example I find particularly discouraging, what starts off as an endorsement to training internal developers to contribute ends with a condemnation telling your average Joe what NOT to do. Even now, as someone who has done a non trivial amount of kernel programming with Plan 9, this makes me feel like I'm in the wrong group. I've shown up in some sweats and a t-shirt to a cocktail party full of suits and greased up hair.

I don't think the Linux kernel was always like this, at the start I do really think it was a bunch of hackers. The underdog up against the bully in Redmond, David vs Goliath, and what not. In those early days hardware support was (as I understand it) fueled by a lot of hard work and some reverse engineering. This was required because hardware vendors often keep required implementation details close to their chest at best, and entirely locked behind vendor contracts at worst. These days a lot more companies (Qualcom, AMD, Nvidia, and so on) are more directly involved with the mainline code for their hardware, however the situation around proper documentation has not gotten any better. The problem here is that the root of the problem was never truly addressed. Instead of companies changing and providing a complete set of documentation for their hardware, they've just changed to writing code directly for the Linux kernel. This leaves more obscure operating systems, BSDs for example, still entirely in the dark. In a perfect world, the Linux kernel could maybe exert their power as "thing vendors want code in" as a means to force companies to be more open. In reality however, if Linux makes it hard to contribute then companies will just fork and jam their own code, which is unfortunately still the case even with the current rules. It just seems unfortunate that Linux decide to join the ranks of privileged projects blessed by hardware companies, after knowing first hand the frustrations of being caught out in the rain.

These are some of the unique issues I see with how the Linux kernel has evolved over time that I think fly in the face of ethos of open source. This is the reason why I think smaller scale operating systems like OpenBSD are so important to the ecosystem at large, you can get a good understanding of how friendly/feasible it is to write support for hardware. The lesson I want to impart here is that just because source is available it doesn't mean that a mere mortal can work on it.